Discovering Your Purpose
I talk to so many women that have no clue about their purpose in life. Between working and taking care of their families, they haven’t found additional time to sort through their passions or purpose. Getting to the root of your purpose is a self-discovery process that time has to be devoted to. I think it’s nearly impossible to discover your true purpose in life without devoting some time to self-reflect and listen to the voice inside. You need to set 15-30 minutes aside each day to meditate on a few self-pointed questions until you have the answers you seek. Here are a few questions to ask yourself:
What things did I love to do as a child?
What things am I naturally good at?
Even if I couldn’t get paid for it, what’s something I would do for free?
If at the end of my life a DVD played showing me all of the things I accomplished in my lifetime, what is something I wish would there?
These are a few questions to start with. As you spend more quiet time with yourself, more questions will surface and you’ll be able to get to the root of your true passion and purpose.
Now I know a lot of you feel like you do not have any extra time in your day to devote to meditation, but it’s imperative that you find at least 15 minutes each day to slow things down, to get still and quiet and allow your true self to speak. So here are 3 tips for finding extra time to devote towards YOU:
- Wake up 20 minutes earlier. No one wants to hear that alarm clock go off any earlier than it already does, but if you’re struggling to find additional time throughout your day, this is a viable option and can possible give you needed quiet time if everyone else is still asleep.
- If you have an hour for your lunch break, you can spend 30 minutes in meditation and 30 minutes eating your lunch. If you only have 30 minutes for lunch, you could try splitting that time up using 15 minutes to meditate and 15 minutes to eat, or 30 minutes to meditate and eat your lunch at your desk while working, if you have a lenient boss.
- Try spending 30 minutes to meditate after everyone else has gone to bed for the night. The house should be quiet with hopefully no interruptions.
Devoting time out of your busy life to this process can be a challenge, but the reward is far worth it. You deserve to take a few minutes that is devoted entirely to you, where no demands are placed upon you, and no duties are required. All you have to do is be still, be quiet, and listen within.
What are some different ways you’ve found to gain more time throughout your day? Have you discovered your purpose?